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Protosets of Mislove et al.

Mislove, Moss, and Oles (1990) developed a partial set theory, ZFAP, based on protosets, which is a generalization of HF---the set of well-founded hereditarily finite sets (cf. Note 17). A protoset is like a well-founded set except that it has some kind of packaging which can hide some of its elements. There exists a protoset which is empty except for packaging. From a finite collection , one can construct the clear protoset which has no packaging, and the murky protoset which has some elements, but also packaging. For example, a murky set like contains 2 and 3 as elements, but it might contain other elements, too. We say that x is clarified by y, , if one can obtain y from x by taking some packaging inside x and replacing this by other protosets.

Partial set theory has a first order language L with three relation symbols, (for actual membership), (for possible membership), and set (for set existence). The theory consists of two axioms and ZFA, the relativization of all axioms of ZFA (ZF + Aczel's AFA) to the relation set. The two axioms are (i) Pict, which states that every partial set has a picture, a set G which is a partial set graph (corresponding to the accessible pointed graph of Aczel) and such that there is a decoration d of G with the root decorated as x, and (ii) PSA, which states that every such G has a unique decoration. Partial set theory ZFAP is the set of all these axioms. ZFAP is a conservative extension of ZFA.

Varol Akman
Sat Jan 13 15:54:04 EET 1996