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Barwise's Situated Set Theory

Barwise (1989b) attempted to propose a set theory, Situated Set Theory, not just for use in AI, but for general use. He mentioned the problems caused by the common view of set theory with a universal set V, but at the same time trying to treat this universe as an extensional whole, looking from outside (which he names ``unsituated set theory''). His proposal is a hierarchy of universes which allows for a universe of a lower level to be considered as an object of a universe of a higher level. He leaves the axioms which these universes have to satisfy to one's conception of set, be it cumulative or circular. There are no paradoxes in this view since there is always a larger universe one can step back and work in. Therefore, the notions of ``set,'' ``proper class,'' and the set-theoretic notions ``ordinal,'' ``cardinal'' are all context sensitive, depending on the universe one is currently working in. This proposal supports the Reflection Principle which states that for any given description of the sets of all sets V, there will always be a partial universe satisfying that description.

Barwise (1989c) also studied the modeling of partial information and again exploited Hyperset Theory for this purpose. For this purpose, he used the objects of the universe of hypersets over a set A of atoms to model non-parametric objects, i.e., objects with complete information and the set X of indeterminates to represent parametric objects, i.e., objects with partial information. (The universe of hypersets on is denoted as , analogous to the adjunction of indeterminates in algebra.)

For any object , Barwise calls the set

where denotes the transitive closure of a, the set of parameters of a. If , then since a does not have any parameters. Barwise then defines an anchor as a function f with and which assigns sets to indeterminates. For any and anchor f, is the object obtained by replacing each indeterminate by the set in a. This is accomplished by solving the resulting equations by the Solution Lemma.

Parametric anchors can also be defined as functions from a subset of X into to assign parametric objects, not just sets, to indeterminates. For example, if is a parametric object representing partial information about some non-parametric object and if one does not know the value to which x is to be anchored, but knows that it is of the form (another parametric object), then anchoring x to results in the object which does not give the ultimate object perhaps, but is at least more informative about its structure.

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Varol Akman
Sat Jan 13 15:54:04 EET 1996