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25.2.4 Printer Configuration Installing a Print Client

Solaris 2.x Client to 4.X Server

For the SunOS 5.X print client to print to a remote BSD printer you don't have to specify the content or printer type, nor have to register any filters. These features are presumed to be taken care of by the remote service.

1. Define the 4.X printer server as type bsd
# lpsystem -t bsd print_server_name

Define the printer name, using the same name as on the print server
# lpadmin -p printer_name -s print_server_name

Define the printer type as unknown
# lpadmin -p printer_name -T unknown -I any

Start the printer
# accept printer_name
# enable printer_name

Define a default printer (optional)
# lpadmin -d printer_name

Solaris 2.X Client to Solaris 2.X Server

1. Define the Solaris 2 printer server as type s5
# lpsystem -t s5 print_server_name

Define the printer name, using the same name as on the print server
# lpadmin -p printer_name -s print_server_name

Define the printer type as unknown
# lpadmin -p printer_name -T unknown -I any
For a PostScript printer you should specify the parameters here, as in steps 3 and 4 of "Installing a Local PostScript Printer", above.

Start the printer
# accept printer_name
# enable printer_name

Define a default printer (optional)
# lpadmin -d printer_name

Solaris 2.x Client to 4.X Server
Solaris 2.X Client to Solaris 2.X Server

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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