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18.4 Trouble shooting the Ethernet

18.4.2 snoop

SunOS 5.X has the snoop command to allow you to inspect packets on the network. This command has numerous options for determining which packets to examine. To examine all packets to or from host "nyssa" you would execute:

# /usr/sbin/snoop host nyssa

Using device le0 (promiscuous mode)
nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu -> ace.acs.ohio-state.edu RSTAT C Get Statistics
ace.acs.ohio-state.edu -> nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu RSTAT R Get Statistics
tardis.acs.ohio-state.edu -> nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu XWIN C port=1085
nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu -> tardis.acs.ohio-state.edu XWIN R port=1085
nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu -> gallifrey.acs.ohio-state.edu RSTAT C Get Statistics
gallifrey.acs.ohio-state.edu -> nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu RSTAT R Get Statistics
tardis.acs.ohio-state.edu -> nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu XWIN C port=1085
nyssa.acs.ohio-state.edu -> peri.acs.ohio-state.edu RSTAT C Get Statistics

which displays the originating and destination addresses, the protocol used, and the port used.

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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