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18.4 Trouble shooting the Ethernet

18.4.1 etherfind

With SunOS 4.1.X you can use etherfind to examine network traffic. For etherfind to work your network interface must be in promiscuous mode, i.e. have the appropriate streams NIT support enabled in the kernel. This support is required for a diskless boot server, but is something you may want to disable on other machines.

To examine all traffic originating or terminating at the workstation "nyssa":

# etherfind -p -i le0 -src nyssa -o -dst nyssa

icmp type

lnth proto source destination src port dst port
60 tcp leela.acs.ohio nyssa login 1021
138 udp tardis nyssa 2049 1023
138 udp tardis nyssa 2049 1023
118 udp tardis nyssa 652 684
74 tcp leela.acs.ohio nyssa login 1021
60 tcp leela.acs.ohio nyssa login 1021

To examine traffic between machines "nyssa" and "leela" the command would be:

# etherfind -p -i le0 -between nyssa leela

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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