Trillium Capability Areas, Roadmaps and Practices
Capability Area 4: Management

This Capability Area covers the 5 management-oriented Roadmaps:
They address items that interface with customers and suppliers of the organization\qs products, as well as the most significant areas of sizing, scheduling, tracking and managing projects.

Roadmap 4.1: Project Management

This Roadmap covers practices that address project management issues.

Level 2

Statement of work
A documented and approved statement of work exists for the project [SEI SPP Ability 1] [Trillium].
The engineering group participates on the project proposal team [SEI SPP Activity 1] [Trillium].
Project commitments and changes to commitments made to individuals and groups external to the organization are reviewed with senior management prior to making contractual commitment according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 4] [SEI SPT&O Activity 3] [ISO 9001 4.4.9] [Trillium].

Accountability & Authority
A project manager is designated to be responsible for the project's activities and results [SEI SPT&O Commitment 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179].
For any given project activity or task, there is a single owner having responsibility and authority over the completion of that activity and the quality of its output(s) [Roadmap Trillium].

Adequate resources and funding are provided for planning the project [SEI SPP Ability 3] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].
Project planning includes all project related planning activities (e.g., quality planning, verification and validation planning) [ISO 9000-3 5.4.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.1] [Trillium].
Project planning activities identify and document methods for ensuring that all activities are carried out correctly [ISO 9001 4.4.2] [ISO 9000-3 6.2.2] [Trillium].
Project development and management planning documentation includes purpose, scope, goals, objectives, deliverables and primeships for the project [ISO 9000-3 6.2.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4-1].
Software project planning activities are initiated in the early stages of, and conducted in parallel with, the overall project planning activities [SEI SPP Activity 2].
Responsibilities for developing the product development plan are assigned [SEI SPP Ability 2] [Trillium].
The project development plan is developed, documented and approved according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 6 & 7 and SPT&O Ability 1] [ISO 9000-3 5.4.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.1-1] (Ref. IEEE Std. 1058.1).
The development group participates with other affected groups in the overall project planning throughout the life of the project [SEI SPP Activity 3].
Work products that are needed to establish and maintain control of the project are identified [SEI SPP Activity 8].
Required inputs and outputs to each project phase are defined and documented [ISO 9001 4.4.3] [ISO 9000-3 5.4.4 & 5.4.5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4-1].
Input and output criteria for each project phase are defined and documented [ISO 9000-3 5.5.2] [Trillium].
The project manager explicitly assigns responsibilities for work products and activities [SEI SPT&O Ability 2] [ISO 9001 4.4.2] [Trillium].
Plans for the project's engineering facilities, environments, and support tools are prepared [SEI SPP Activity 14].
Project quality planning specifies and documents measurable product quality objectives [ISO 9000-3 5.5.2] [Trillium].
Project planning specifies and documents schedules, resources and approval authorities for verification and validation activities [ISO 9001 4.4.2, 4.4.7, 4.4.8] [ISO 9000-3 5.5.2] [Trillium].
Project planning identifies and documents procedures to be used to assure timely compliance with all development performance and review standards to be used throughout the life-cycle [ISO 9001 4.4.2, 4.4.6] [Trillium].

Risk Management
The technical, cost, resource and schedule risks are identified, assessed and documented [SEI SPP Activity 13] [ISO 9000-3].
The technical, cost, resource, and schedule risks are tracked throughout the life of the project [SEI SPT&O Activity 10] [ISO 9000-3].

The project's schedule is derived according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 12] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.3-1, 2].

Data collection
Planning data are recorded for use by the project [SEI SPP Activity 15].
Actual measurement and replanning data for the project are recorded for use by the current project and future projects [SEI SPT&O Activity 11].

Adequate resources and funding are provided for tracking the project [SEI SPT&O Ability 3] [Trillium].
The project development plan is used to track activities and communicate project status [SEI SPT&O Activity 1] [ISO 9000-3 5.4.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.1-1] (Ref. IEEE Std. 1058.1).
The project's product development plan is revised according to a documented procedure [SEI SPT&O Activity 2].
Approved changes to commitments that affect the project are communicated to the members of the development group and other related groups [SEI SPT&O Activity 4] [ISO 9001 4.4.9].
The size of the work products is tracked and corrective actions are taken as appropriate [SEI SPT&O Activity 5].
The project's costs are tracked and corrective actions taken as appropriate [SEI SPT&O Activity 6].
The project's critical target computer resources are tracked and corrective actions are taken as appropriate [SEI SPT&O Activity 7].
The project's schedule is tracked and corrective actions taken as appropriate [SEI SPT&O Activity 8] [ISO 9000-3 5.4.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4-1].
Engineering technical activities are tracked and corrective actions taken as appropriate [SEI SPT&O Activity 9].
The critical dependencies and critical paths of the project's schedule are managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 9].
Representatives of the software development function work with representatives of the other engineering functions to monitor and coordinate activities and resolve project-level technical issues [SEI IC Activity 2].

The developers and their managers conduct regular reviews to track technical progress, plans, performance, and issues against the software development plan [SEI SPT&O Activity 12] [ISO 9000-3 5.6.4].
Formal reviews, to address the accomplishments and results of the project, are conducted at selected project milestones and at the beginning and completion of selected stages according to a documented procedure [SEI SPT&O Activity 13] [ISO 9000-3 5.6.4] [ISO 9001 4.4.6] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4-1 & 3.4.4-2].
Products produced as input to other project groups are reviewed by representatives of the receiving groups to ensure that the products meet their needs [SEI IC Activity 5].
All intergroup issues are documented, negotiated, and, if unresolved, reported to the appropriate managers [SEI IC Activity 6].
Periodic technical reviews and interchanges are held with the task leaders of the project groups [SEI IC Activity 7] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.4-2 & 3.4.4-3].

Level 3

Adequate resources and funding are provided for managing the project using the project defined process [SEI ISM Ability 1] [ISO 9001].
Adequate resources and funding are provided for the internal coordination of all product and service engineering activities [SEI IC Ability 1] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].

The organization follows a written policy requiring that projects be managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Commitment 1].
The project is managed in accordance with the project's defined product development process [SEI ISM Activity 4] [Trillium].

Process Tailoring
The project's defined product development process is developed by tailoring the organization's standard product development process according to documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 1] [Trillium].

Project Planning
The project's development plan, which describes the use of the project's defined process, is developed and changed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 2, 3] [Trillium].
A documented plan is used to communicate intergroup commitments and coordinate and track the work performed [SEI IC Activity 3] [ISO 9001 4.4.3].
Critical dependencies are identified and negotiated according to a documented procedure [SEI IC Activity 4].

Resource Management
The size of the work products is managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 6].
The project's costs are managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 7].
The project's critical target computer resources are managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 8].

Risk Management
The project's development risks are identified, assessed, documented, and managed according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 10].
A team exists to coordinate defect prevention activities for the project [SEI DP Ability 2] [Trillium].
There is a formal mechanism for independently identifying project's process and product issues and escalating these to the project manager [ISO 9001 4.9] [Trillium].

Management Reviews
Formal reviews of the development project are conducted periodically to determine the actions needed to bring the project's performance and results in line with the current and projected business, customer, and end-user needs according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 11] [ISO 9001 4.4.5, 4.4.6] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.4-3 & 3.4.4-4].

Level 4

Defect Prevention
The project develops and maintains a plan for defect prevention activities [SEI DP Activity 1] [Trillium].
Revisions to the project's defined process resulting from defect prevention actions are incorporated according to a documented procedure [SEI DP Activity 7] [Trillium].

New Technology Introduction
Appropriate new technologies are incorporated into the project defined processes according to a documented procedure [SEI TCM Activity 8] [Trillium].

Roadmap 4.2: Subcontractor Management

This Roadmap covers practices that address the management of suppliers and subcontractors. "Subcontractors" is the term used in the SEI CMM and is thus more focused toward a product development context. "Supplier" is the term used by ISO 9001 and the Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award Criteria and is thus more generic, encompassing "subcontractors". Both terms are used in the set of practices for traceability purposes. These terms do NOT apply to individuals brought in to work as part of the development team on a contract basis.

Level 2

Adequate resources and funding are provided for selecting the subcontractor or supplier and managing the contractual agreement [SEI SSM Ability 1] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].

Selection Process
Subcontractors and suppliers are selected according to a documented procedure, based on a thorough evaluation of the subcontractor's or supplier's ability to perform the work and/or supplying the product or service. [SEI SSM Activity 2] [ISO 9001 4.6.1, 4.6.2] [ISO 9000-3 6.7.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-1] [Trillium].

Contractual Agreement
The contractual agreement with the subcontractor (or supplier) establishes the basis for managing the subcontractor (or the supplier) [SEI SSM Activity 3] [ISO 9001 4.6.3] [ISO 9000-3 6.7.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-1] [Trillium].
The work to be subcontracted is defined and planned according to a documented procedure [SEI SSM Activity 1] [ISO 9001 4.6.3].

Contract Management
A documented subcontractor's development plan, which covers (directly or by reference) the appropriate items from the prime contractor's development plan, is reviewed and approved by the prime contractor [SEI SSM Activity 4] [ISO 9001 4.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-3].
A documented and approved subcontractor's product development plan is used for tracking the development activities and communicating status [SEI SSM Activity 5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-2].
The prime contractor's management conducts regular status and coordination reviews with the subcontractor's management [SEI SSM Activity 7] [ISO 9001 4.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-3].
Periodic technical reviews and interchanges are held with the subcontractor [SEI SSM Activity 8] [ISO 9001 4.7] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-3].
Formal reviews are conducted at selected milestones and the completion of selected stages to address the subcontractor's engineering accomplishments and results according to a documented procedure [SEI SSM Activity 9] [ISO 9001 4.3, 4.4.6, 4.6.4].
Changes in the subcontracted scope of work, subcontract terms and conditions, and other commitments are resolved according to a documented commitment review procedure involving affected groups of both the prime contractor and the subcontractor [SEI SSM Activity 6] [ISO 9001 4.3].
The prime contractor's quality assurance function monitors the subcontractor's quality assurance activities according to a documented procedure [SEI SSM Activity 10] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-4] [ISO 9001 4.10.2] [Trillium].
The prime contractor's configuration management function monitors the subcontractor's configuration management activities according to a documented procedure [SEI SSM Activity 11] [ISO 9001 4.10.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.12-3].

The prime contractor conducts acceptance testing as part of the delivery of the subcontractor's product according to a documented procedure [SEI SSM Activity 12] [ISO 9001 4.6.4, 4.7] [ISO 9000-3 6.7.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.7-1].

Subcontractor Performance Evaluation
The subcontractor's performance is evaluated on a periodic basis and the evaluation is reviewed with the subcontractor [SEI SSM Activity 13] [ISO 9001 4.6.2].

Level 3

Quality Requirements
The organization defines and communicates its quantitative product and process quality requirements to subcontractors [SEI SQM Activity 5] [MB 5.4a] [Trillium].

Quality Performance
The organization has in place a formal program to assess trends and current levels for critical indicators of supplier (subcontractor) quality [MB 6.4a] [Trillium].
The organization has in place a formal program to compare its supplier (subcontractor) quality levels with those of appropriately selected benchmarks [MB 6.4b] [Trillium].

Quality Improvement Program
The organization has in place a formal program to help its suppliers improve their ability to meet key quality and response time requirements [MB 5.4b] [Trillium].

Roadmap 4.3: Customer-Supplier Relationship

This Roadmap covers practices that address the relationship between customers and suppliers in a contract environment and, in a more mature environment, a partnering mode.

Level 2

The organization has a representative with responsibility for dealing with the other party of a given contractual arrangement on contractual matters [ISO 9001 4.7] [ISO 9000-3 4.1.2] [Trillium].

Contractual Information
The contractual information (e.g., contract, requirements, warranties, return procedures, purchase orders) is reviewed, agreed to and coordinated formally [ISO 9000-3 5.2.1 & 5.2.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.2-1].

Customer Project Reviews
Formal reviews of the project are conducted with the customer at selected project milestones and at the beginning and completion of selected stages to address the accomplishments and results of the project according to a documented procedure [ISO 9000-3 4.1.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-3 & 3.4.4-3] [Trillium].

Customer Interaction
The development function actively participate(s) with the customers and end users to establish their needs [SEI IC Activity 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-3].

Level 3

Joint Requirements Development
Product requirements are developed jointly by representatives from Customer's and Supplier's cross-functional areas (e.g., marketing, design, support, and operations) [Roadmap Trillium].

Joint Application Design
Product design is developed in consultation with representatives from Customer's and Supplier's cross-functional areas (e.g., marketing, design, support, and operations) [Roadmap Trillium].

Quality Assurance Functions Liaison
The QA function representative conducts regular reviews of its activities and findings with the customer's QA function representative [SEI SQA Activity 8] [Trillium].

Interface Performance
Feedback on human machine interface and product and service interfaces is gathered formally (e.g., from customer and/or user groups) [MB 7.2f] [Trillium].

Roadmap 4.4: Requirements Management

This Roadmap covers practices that are related to the development and the management of requirements.

Level 2

Adequate resources and funding are provided for managing the allocated customer and systems requirements [SEI RM Ability 3] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].

User/customer requirements are developed and documented according to a documented procedure [SEI RM Ability 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-3] (Ref. IEEE Std. 830) [Trillium].

User Requirements
There is an organizational policy for the management of user/customer requirements. This policy covers purpose, scope, modification, and ownership [ISO 9000-3 5.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.3-1,2,3,4] [Trillium].
The requirements include all aspects necessary to satisfy the customer's need and are stated precisely enough to allow validation during product acceptance. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following: functionality, performance, safety, reliability, security and privacy [ISO 9001 4.4.4, 4.4.5] [ISO 9000-3 5.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.3-1,2,3,4 & 4.6-3].

System Requirements
System requirements are documented in a consistent format and are clearly stated, verifiable and testable (Ref. IEEE Std. 830) [Trillium].
System requirements are traceable to user/customer requirements [ISO 9001 4.4.4] [Trillium].
System requirements are reviewed by all affected groups [SEI RM Activity 1].
System requirements form the basis for the product development plans, requirement specifications and activities [SEI RM Activity 2].

System Requirements Allocation
There is a function responsible for analyzing and allocating system requirements to hardware, software and other system components [SEI RM Ability 1].

System Requirements Changes
Changes to the system requirements are reviewed and incorporated into all appropriate development plans & activities [SEI RM Activity 3] [ISO 9001 4.4.4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.1-2].
Changes to system requirements are analyzed to identify project impact [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.1-2] [Trillium].

Level 3

Market Analysis
Market analyses to determine the customer needs and formulate appropriate product requirements are formal and performed according to a documented procedure [MB 7.1].

Quality Goals
Quantitative quality goals for requirements are established, and achievement against these goals is measured and tracked [ISO 9001 4.4.5] [Trillium].

Level 4

Customer Requirements
A process/method (e.g., Quality Function Deployment) is used to systematically capture all customer requirements and translate them into clear design statements [Roadmap Trillium].

Roadmap 4.5: Estimation

This Roadmap covers practices that are related to the estimation process.

Level 2

Work Product Size
Estimates for the size of all work products (or changes to the size of the work products) are derived according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 9] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.3-1,2].

Development Effort
Estimates for product development effort, costs and resources are derived according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 10] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.3-1].

Target Computer Resources
Estimates for critical target computing resources are derived according to a documented procedure [SEI SPP Activity 11] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.3-3].

Level 3

Process Repository
The organizational process repository is used for planning and estimating according to a documented procedure [SEI ISM Activity 5].

Project Size Management
The project's size is quantitatively managed according to a documented procedure [Trillium].

Estimation Model
Past project data is used to update a formal estimation model according to a documented procedure [Trillium].
The estimation model is maintained according to a documented procedure [Roadmap Trillium].

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