Trillium Capability Areas, Roadmaps and Practices
Capability Area 3: Process

This Capability Area covers the 4 process-oriented Roadmaps:
Collectively, they address the product development process itself, including its definition, development, improvement and maintenance.

Roadmap 3.1: Process Definition

This Roadmap covers practices that address the formalization and coverage of the process.

Level 2

Process Documentation
Some product development and support processes are documented, including requirements management, project tracking, planning and estimation, and quality assurance methods [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.2-1] [MB 5.2a] [Trillium].

Project Life-Cycle Model
Development projects are organized according to a life-cycle model [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.1-1 & 3.4.2-1,2] [ISO 9000-3 5.1] [Trillium].

Level 3

Appropriate resources and funding are provided for the development and maintenance of the organization's process assets [SEI OPD Ability 1] [ISO 9001, 4.9].

Life-Cycle Model
A complete product development and support life-cycle with predefined stages of manageable size is flow-charted and documented [SEI SPP Activity 5] [ISO 9000-3 5.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-1] [Trillium].
Life-cycle models that are approved for use by projects are identified and documented [SEI OPD Activity 3] [ISO 9000-3 5.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-11].

Process Span and Integration
An integrated product development process is defined and documented, covering hardware, software, firmware, documentation and other user deliverables (e.g., training) [ISO 9001 4.9] [Trillium].

Concurrent Engineering
Cross-functional concurrency among marketing, design, customer engineering, manufacturing, installation and support tasks is planned and managed throughout the product development life-cycle to achieve interval, cost and quality goals [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-2] [Trillium].

Process Ownership and Management
The product and project plans for quantitative process management are developed according to a documented procedure [SEI QPM Activity 1]
The integrated product development process is under the responsibility of a single cross-functional organizational entity [Roadmap Trillium].
An organization-level team to coordinate defect prevention activities exists [SEI DP Ability 1].

Process Documentation
The organization's standard process is documented according to established organization standards [SEI OPD Activity 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-4 & 4.2-1] [Trillium].
All individual product development processes are documented [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-4 & 4.2-1] [Trillium].

Process Development
The organization's standard product development process is developed and maintained according to a documented procedure [SEI OPD Activity 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-4].

Guidelines and criteria for the project's tailoring of the organization's standard product and service development process are developed and maintained [SEI OPD Activity 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-11] [Trillium].

Process Assets Repository
An organizational repository of process assets is developed, documented and used according to a documented procedure [SEI OPD Activity 5] [Trillium].
A library of process-related documentation previously developed by projects in the organization is established and maintained [SEI OPD Activity 6].
The use of the organization's process repository is coordinated at the organization level [SEI OPF Activity 4] [Trillium].

Level 4

Cross Functional Product Development & Support
Product development, support and maintenance activities are managed by a cross-functional team under common management control [MB 5.2c] [Trillium].

Roadmap 3.2: Technology Management

This Roadmap covers practices that address the monitoring, assessment and introduction of technology in the process. The term "Technology" in this section includes methods, techniques and tools.

Level 2

Technology Introduction in Projects
New technologies are evaluated and introduced at the project level [Roadmap Trillium].

Level 3

New Technology Monitoring
Managers and technical staff are kept aware of appropriate new technologies [SEI TCM Activity 3] [Trillium].

Technology Improvement Trial
Pilot efforts for improving technology are conducted, where appropriate, before a new technology is introduced on a broad scale [SEI TCM Activity 6].

New Technology In Pilot Use
New technologies in pilot use in the organization are monitored, evaluated, and where appropriate, implemented in other parts of the organization [SEI OPF Activity 5].

Technology Selection Procedure
Technologies are selected and acquired for the organization and projects according to a documented procedure [SEI TCM Activity 5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-6] [MB 5.2c].

Level 4

Functional Responsibility
A function responsible for the organization's technology change management exists [SEI TCM Ability 1] [Trillium].

Funding & Resources
Adequate resources and funding are provided to perform the organization's technology change management activities [SEI TCM Ability 2] [Trillium].
Support exists for collecting and analyzing the data needed to evaluate technology changes [SEI TCM Ability 3].

The organization develops and maintains a plan for technology innovation [SEI TCM Activity 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-6].
The organization analyzes its product development process to identify areas that need or could benefit from new technologies [SEI TCM Activity 4] [MB 5.2c].

Data Collection
Appropriate data on the process and work products are available to support analyses performed to evaluate and select technology changes [SEI TCM Ability 4] [Trillium].

Level 5

Functional Responsibility
The function responsible for the organization's technology change management activities works with the projects in identifying areas of technology change [SEI TCM Activity 2] [Trillium].

Technology Incorporation
Appropriate new technologies are incorporated into the organization's standard process according to a documented procedure [SEI TCM Activity 7] [Trillium].

Roadmap 3.3: Process Improvement & Engineering

This Roadmap covers practices that address process improvement activities.

Level 2

Some process improvement activities have been initiated [ISO 9001 4.9] [Trillium].

The organization product development capability has been benchmarked according to industry accepted methodology (e.g., ISO10011 audits) [Roadmap Trillium].

Level 3

Functional Responsibility
A function that is responsible for the organization's process activities exists [SEI OPF Ability1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.5.1-1] [Trillium].
The function responsible for the organization's process activities (e.g., engineering process group) coordinates the process improvement activities [SEI PCM Activity 2] [Trillium].
Process improvement projects are documented, reviewed, approved and tracked in the same manner as development projects [Roadmap Trillium].

Funding & Resources
Adequate resources and funding are provided for the organization process activities [SEI OPF Ability 2] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].

Policies & Procedures
The organization follows a written policy for implementing process assessment and improvement [SEI PCM Commitment 1] [ISO 9000-3 4.4] [Trillium].
The organization plans for process improvement according to a documented procedure [SEI PCM Activity 3] [ISO 9000-3 4.4] [Trillium].
Process improvement proposals are submitted by individuals or teams according to a documented procedure [SEI PCM Activity 5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-10].
Process assessment is done according to a documented procedure [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.2-10] [Trillium].

The organization follows a documented and approved plan to coordinate its activities for process improvement [SEI OPF Activity 2] [SEI PCM Activity 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.5-2] [MB 5.5a].

The product development, support and business processes are assessed periodically throughout the organization, and improvement plans are developed to address the assessment findings [SEI OPF Activity 1] [ISO 9001 4.9] [ISO 9000-3 4.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.3-1] [MB 5.2c, 5.3c & 5.5b] [Trillium].

The organization's and projects' activities for defining, implementing, measuring, and improving its processes are coordinated at the organization level [SEI OPF Activity 3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.5-2].
The product development groups are informed of the organization's and project's activities for process development and improvement [SEI OPF Activity 7].

Causal Analysis
Causal analysis is performed after the completion of specific tasks according to a documented procedure [SEI DP Activity 3].
At the beginning of a product task, the members of the team performing the task meet to prepare for the activities of that task and the related defect prevention activities [SEI DP Activity 2].
Each of the teams assigned to coordinate defect prevention activities meets on a periodic basis to review and coordinate implementation of action proposals from the causal analysis meetings [SEI DP Activity 4].

Improvement Deployment
Where appropriate, process improvements are installed on a pilot basis to determine their benefits and effectiveness before they are introduced into normal practice [SEI PCM Activity 7] [Trillium].
When the decision is made to transfer a process improvement into normal practice, the improvement is implemented according to a documented procedure [SEI PCM Activity 8].
All managers are responsible for the effective deployment of the processes used in their departments [Roadmap Trillium].

Quality Goals
Quantitative quality goals are established and tracked for some process tasks and deliverables including requirements, design, code, test, validation and user documentation [SEI QPM Commitment 4] [Trillium].

Level 4

Functional Responsibility
A function exists that is responsible for coordinating the quantitative process management activities for the organization [SEI QPM Ability 1] [Trillium].

Funding & Resources
Support exists for collecting, recording, and analyzing data for selected process and product measurements [SEI QPM Ability 2].
Adequate resources and funding are provided for process improvement activities [SEI PCM Ability 1].

Policies & Procedures
A documented procedure is followed for reviewing, approving, planning, implementing, and tracking process improvement proposals [Roadmap Trillium].

Management Reviews
The activities for process improvement are reviewed with senior management on a periodic basis [SEI PCM Verification 1].

Quality Goals
Quantitative quality goals are established and tracked for all process tasks and deliverables including requirements, design, code, test, verification, validation and user documentation [SEI QPM Commitment 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.5-1] [Trillium].

Data Collection
Support exists for collecting, recording and analyzing data for selected process and product measurement [SEI QPM Ability 3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.5-1].
Defect prevention data are documented and tracked across the teams coordinating defect prevention activities [SEI DP Activity 5].
The measurement data used to control the project's defined process quantitatively are collected according to a documented procedure [SEI QPM Activity 4].

An organization-wide program to improve the product development process is established which empowers the organization's staff and managers to improve their own working processes and to participate in the improvements made by others [SEI PCM Activity 1].

Improvement Team Participation
Staff and managers actively participate in working groups, quality circles, or technical committees to develop process improvements for assigned process focus areas [SEI PCM Activity 6].

Improvement Deployment
Revisions to the organization's standard processes resulting from defect prevention actions are incorporated according to a documented procedure [SEI DP Activity 6] [Trillium].

Members of the product development group receive feedback on the status and results of the organization's and project's defect prevention activities on a periodic basis [SEI DP Activity 8].

Level 5

Process Improvement Repository
Records of process improvement activities are maintained in a repository [SEI PCM Activity 9].

Roadmap 3.4: Measurements

This Roadmap covers practices that address the measurement system and its elements.

Level 2

Project cost factors are measured [MB 2.1] [Trillium].

Product Measurement
Product characteristics (e.g., size, system resources, performance) are measured [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1 & 4.4.2-1] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.1] [Trillium].
The number of additions, changes and deletions to requirements, design, code and test specifications are measured [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1 & 4.4.2-1] [Bellcore IPQM TA-1315 3.8 & 3.9] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.1].
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of activities for managing requirements (e.g., status, change activity, cumulative number of changes) [SEI RM Measurement 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1 & 4.4.2-1] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.1] [Trillium].

Project Measurement
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of project planning activities (e.g., milestone completion, work completed, effort extended) [SEI SPP Measurement 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-4] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of project tracking activities (e.g., effort and resources, change activity for the development plan) [SEI SPT&O Measurement 1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-4] [Trillium].

Process Measurement
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of the activities for managing subcontractors (e.g, costs compared to plan, actual delivery date compared to plan) [SEI SSM Measurement 1] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the cost and schedule status of the quality system activities (e.g., costs compared to plan, number of audits compared to plan) [SEI SQA Measurement 1] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of configuration management activities (e.g., effort and funds, completion of milestones compared to plan) [SEI SCM Measurement 1] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4-1 & 4.4.1-1] [Trillium].

Process and Product Failures
Process and product failures and statistics are systematically measured throughout the life-cycle of the product [ISO 9000-3 6.4.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-2] [MB 5.2a & 6.1a] [Trillium].

Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is systematically measured [MB 7.4] [Trillium].

Level 3

Measurement Planning
Organization's and projects' activities for process measurements and analysis are based on a documented and approved plan [SEI QPM Activity 2] [ISO 9000-3 6.4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.3-1].
The organization's standard product development process is the basis for selecting process and product data to be collected and for the analysis to be performed [ISO 9001 4.9] [Trillium].

Process Measurement
Process metrics are identified based on their usefulness to the organization and the projects [ISO 9001 4.20] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-3].
Process metrics cover the entire product life-cycle [ISO 9001 4.20] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.2].
The organization measures and tracks product and feature delivery interval, key milestones, completion dates and deliverables [Bellcore IPQM TA -1315 3.5, 3.6 & 3.7].
Process data are collected and stored in an organizational repository according to a documented procedure [Roadmap Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of the organization's process definition activities (e.g., status of schedule milestones, costs) [SEI OPD Measurement 1] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the effectiveness of the organization's project management activities (e.g., frequency, causes and magnitude of project replanning effort) [SEI ISM Measurement 1] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the status of the organization's training activities (e.g., attendance, progress in providing courses) [SEI TP Measurement 1] [Trillium].
Measurements are made and used to determine the quality of the organization's training program (e.g., post-training test results, student courses reviews) [SEI TP Measurement 2] [Trillium].

Product Measurement
Product metrics are collected and used to manage and improve the product development process [ISO 9001 4.20] [ISO 9000-3 6.4.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-1 & 4.4.1-3].
Product data are collected and stored in an organizational repository according to a documented procedure [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-1] [Trillium].

Data Analysis
Analyses of selected product data are performed according to a documented procedure [ISO 9001 4.20] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-2] [Trillium].
Analyses of selected process data are performed according to a documented procedure [ISO 9001 4.20] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.4.1-2] [Trillium].

Process and Product Failures
The number of detected and corrected defects are systematically measured for each life-cycle phase [SEI SPE Measurement 1] [Bellcore IPQM TA-1315 4.3].

Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction metrics are systematically used for improvement [MB 7.2g].

Level 4

Process Measurement
The process performance baseline for the organization's standard product development process is monitored on a regular basis and updated as appropriate according to a documented procedure [SEI QPM Activity 7] [Trillium].
The results of the measurement and analysis activities are monitored on a regular basis and appropriate adjustments are made to keep process performance baseline in line with the expected performance [SEI QPM Activity 5].
Process analysis reports are prepared and distributed to the appropriate groups [SEI QPM Activity 6].

Quality Management
Measurements are made to determine the status of the Quality Management activities (e.g., cost of poor quality) [SEI SQM Measurement 1].

Level 5

Statistical Process Control
The results from the integrated process and product data analyses are used to bring the organization's processes under statistical control [Roadmap Trillium].

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