Trillium Capability Areas, Roadmaps and Practices
Capability Area 2: Human Resource Development and Management

Roadmap 2.1: Human Resource Development and Management

This Capability Area consists of a single Roadmap, and addresses the certification and training of management and development staff performing activities which are part of the development process.

Level 2

Training Planning
Training planning that covers training needs is performed at the project level [SEI TP Activity 1] [MB 4.1a].

Functional Training
Engineers, managers and other individuals involved in project planning are trained in the estimating and planning procedures applicable for their areas of responsibility [SEI SPP Ability 4] [Trillium].
Managers and other individuals who are involved in establishing and managing contracts are trained to perform these activities [SEI SSM Ability 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.2-1,2,3,4,5] [Trillium].
Managers and other individuals who are involved in establishing and managing subcontracts receive orientation on the technical aspects of the subcontract [SEI SSM Ability 3] [Trillium].
Individuals performing configuration management functions are trained in the objectives, procedures and methods for performing their configuration management activities [SEI SCM Ability 4] [Trillium].
Individuals performing engineering functions and other related functions are trained to perform their configuration management activities [SEI SCM Ability 5] [Trillium].
Individuals in product development and support related functions receive training on the organization's product development and support process activities and their roles in those activities [SEI OPF Ability 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-1,2 & 4.9.2-1,2,3,4,5] [Trillium].
The members of the project receive orientation on the role, responsibilities, authority, and value of the Quality Assurance group [SEI SQA Ability 4].
The individuals implementing or supporting Quality Management receive required training to perform these activities [SEI SQM Ability 2].

Level 3

Human Resource Selection
Personnel performing specific assigned tasks are qualified on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience [ISO 9001 4.18] [ISO 9000-3 6.9] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9-1] [Trillium].
Technical topics covered in the personnel qualification process (see are determined considering the specific tool, techniques, methodologies and computer resources used in the development and management of the product [ISO 9001 4.18] [ISO 9000-3 6.9] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9-1] [Trillium].
The determination of whether an individual possesses the skills and knowledge covered by a particular training course before attending the course is done according to a documented procedure [SEI TP Activity 5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9-1].

Training Responsibility
A function responsible for fulfilling the training needs of the organization exists [SEI TP Ability 1] [Trillium].
Individuals performing the training function have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their training activities [SEI TP Ability 3] [Trillium].

Training Resources
Adequate resources and funding are provided for implementing the training program [SEI TP Ability 2] [ISO 9001].

Training Planning
An organizational training plan that identifies the training needs of all personnel performing activities affecting product development is developed and maintained according to a documented procedure [SEI TP Activity 2] [ISO 9001 4.18] [ISO 9000-3 6.9] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-2,5 & 4.9.2-1,2,3,4,5] [Trillium].
Individual training is selected and scheduled according to current and planned job responsibilities and needs [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-1] [Trillium].

Training Program
The training for the organization is performed in accordance with the organization training program [SEI TP Activity 3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5].
Managers receive orientation on the training program [SEI TP Ability 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-4] [Trillium].
There is a well-defined apprenticeship program (e.g., a structured and formal on-the-job training program) [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5] [Trillium].
Individuals in the engineering functions and other related groups receive training on the organization's process activities and their roles in those activities. [SEI OPF Ability 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5] [Trillium].
There is a documented certification program (e.g., ASQC, QAI) for those individuals performing quality functions as defined by ISO 9001 [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-1] [ISO 9001] [Trillium].
All employees are trained in the use of basic quality tools such as fishbone diagrams, and Pareto analysis [MB 4.3] [Trillium].

Training Courses
The development and maintenance of training courses prepared at the organizational level is done according to a documented procedure [SEI TP Activity 4] [Trillium].

Training Effectiveness
Training quality and effectiveness is measured and used to continuously improve the training program [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-3] [MB 4.3].

Training Records
Appropriate records of training and experience are maintained and used by management for personnel development profiles [SEI TP Activity 6] [ISO 9001 4.18] [ISO 9000-3 6.9].

Functional Training
Individuals responsible for the organization's process activities receive training to perform these activities [SEI OPF Ability 3] [Trillium].
Individuals who develop and maintain the organization's standard process and related process assets receive required training to perform these activities [SEI OPD Ability 2] [Trillium].
Training is provided for all personnel affecting product development and support [ISO 9001 4.18] [ISO 9000-3 6.9] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5] [Trillium].
Before undertaking a project management role for the first time, an individual receives formal training in the technical and personnel aspects of project management [SEI SPT&O Ability 4] [Trillium].
Members of the engineering technical staff receive required training to perform their technical assignments [SEI SPE Ability 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5].
Members of the engineering technical staff receive training in related engineering disciplines [SEI SPE Ability 3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5].
The individuals implementing or supporting Quality Management, including Defect Prevention activities, receive training to perform these activities [SEI DP Ability 4] [Trillium].
Members of the Quality Assurance group are trained to perform their QA activities [SEI SQA Ability 3].
All task leaders in each marketing, engineering and support group receive orientation in the processes, methods, and standards used by the other engineering groups [SEI IC Ability 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.2-1].
Members of the engineering group and other related groups are trained to perform their requirements management activities [SEI RM Ability 4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.2-1].
The managers and technical staff of the product engineering group and other product related groups receive required training in product process improvement [SEI PCM Ability 3].
Senior management receives required training in product process improvement [SEI PCM Ability 4].
Peer review leaders receive required training in how to lead peer reviews [SEI PR Ability 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5].
Product managers receive required training in product process improvement [SEI PCM Ability 2].
Reviewers who participate in peer reviews receive required training in the objectives, principles, and method of peer reviews [SEI PR Ability 3].
The individuals implementing or supporting quantitative process management receive required training to perform these activities [SEI QPM Ability 4].
The members of the engineering and support groups and other engineering-related groups receive orientation on the goals and value of quantitative process management [SEI QPM Ability 5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.2-1].
The members of the engineering and support groups and other engineering-related groups receive required training in Quality Management [SEI SQM Ability 3].

Product Training
All new developers receive formal training about the product and product line on which they will work (e.g., functionality, design, implementation) [MB 4.3] [Trillium].
All developers receive continuous education on product and product line functionality evolution and changes [MB 4.3] [Trillium].

Project Training
Individuals responsible for developing the project's defined process receive required training in how to tailor the organization's standard process and use the related process assets [SEI ISM Ability 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.9.1-5] [Trillium].
Project managers received required training in managing the technical, administrative, and personnel aspects of projects based on the project's defined process [SEI ISM Ability 3] [Trillium].
Project managers and all related managers receive orientation in the technical aspects of the project [SEI SPE Ability 4] [Trillium].
First-line managers receive orientation in the technical aspects of projects in which they are involved [SEI SPT&O Ability 5] [Trillium].
Training for the organization's and projects' processes is coordinated across the organization [SEI OPF Activity 6].

Level 4

Functional Training
Members of the group responsible for the organization's technology change management activities receive required training to perform these activities [SEI TCM Ability 5].

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