Trillium Capability Areas, Roadmaps and Practices
Capability Area 5: Quality System

This Capability Area comprises a single Roadmap. It deals with all aspects of quality, from policy and commitment to product quality and audits.

Roadmap 5.1: Quality System

Level 2

Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality are defined [ISO 9001] [ISO 9000-3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1-1] [Trillium].
The personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality have the organizational independence and authority to: [SEI SQA Ability 1] [ISO 9001, 4.13.2, 4.14.2, 4.14.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1-1] [ISO 9000-3] [Trillium]

  1. initiate action to prevent the occurrence of product, process and quality system nonconformity,
  2. identify and record any problems relating to the product, process and quality system.
  3. initiate, recommend or provide solutions through designated channels,
  4. verify implementation of solutions, and
  5. control further processing, delivery or installation of nonconforming product until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected.

Adequate resources and funding are provided for managing the quality of the product [SEI SQM Ability 1] [ISO 9001].
Adequate resources and funding are provided for performing the quality assurance activities [SEI SQA Ability 2] [ISO 9001].

QA Planning
A Quality Assurance Plan is prepared, documented, approved and maintained according to a documented procedure [SEI SQA Activity 1] [SEI SQM Activity 2] [ISO 9000-3 4.2.3 & 5.5] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.2-1 & 3.5-1,2,3,4,5] [ISO 9001 4.2] (Ref. IEEE Std. 730 & 983).

QA Activities
The Quality Assurance activities are performed in accordance with the Quality Assurance plan [SEI SQA Activity 2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.5-3] [Trillium].

Audits and Reviews
Project development activities are reviewed and audited to ensure process compliance [SEI SQA Activity 3] [ISO 9000-3 4.3].
Representative samples of intermediate work products are reviewed to ensure compliance with the designated process requirements [SEI SQA Activity 4].
Independent process conformance reviews are held regularly [SEI SQA Activity 5].

Audit and Review Reporting
Deviations identified in development activities are documented and handled according to a documented procedure [SEI SQA Activity 7] [ISO 9000-3 4.3].
The results of the independent process conformance reviews are reviewed with senior management on a periodic basis [SEI SQA Verification 1] [ISO 9001 4.4.7] [ISO 9000-3 4.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1.3-1].
The results of the Quality (Assurance) activities are periodically reported to the development group [SEI SQA Activity 6] [ISO 9000-3 4.3] [Trillium].

Corrective Action
All product and process corrective action activities shall be recorded, analyzed, reviewed and tracked from initiation to closure. Corrective action activities include problem reports, corrective action taken including interim workarounds, verification of impacts, root cause analysis, change control and analysis of corrective action and change control [ISO 9000-3 4.4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 3.4.5-1,2 & 3.10.2-4 & 4.1.3-6].

Quality Records
The organization establishes and maintains procedures for identification, collection, indexing, filing, storage, maintenance and disposition of quality records [ISO 9001 4.2, 4.16] [ISO 9000-3 6.3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.3-1].

Level 3

Organizational Quality System
The organization has and maintains a documented quality system [ISO 9001 4.2] [ISO 9000-3 4.2.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.2-1 & 4.4.3-1].
All quality system elements, requirements and provisions are documented in a systematic and orderly manner, e.g., quality manual [ISO 9001 4.2] [ISO 9000-3 4.2.2] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.2-1].
The organization's quality system is an integrated process throughout the entire life cycle, thus ensuring that quality is being built-in as development progresses, rather than being discovered at the end of the process [ISO 9001 4.2] [ISO 9000-3 4.2.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.2-1 & 3.5-1,2,3,4,5].
The organization's quality system emphasizes problem prevention rather than problem correction after occurrence [ISO 9001 4.2, 4.14.3] [ISO 9000-3 4.2.1] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.2-1].
The organization provides rules, practices, and conventions in order to make the quality system effective [ISO 9000-3 6.5].
The organization uses tools, facilities, and techniques in order to make the quality system effective [ISO 9000-3 6.6] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-1,2].

Policy and Commitment
Policy, objectives for, and commitment to quality are defined and documented. The organization ensures that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization [SEI SQM Commitment 1] [ISO 9001 4.1.1] [ISO 9000-3] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1.1-1].

Internal Audits
Planned and documented internal quality audits are executed formally: [ISO 9001, 4.17] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1.1-2 & 2.3-2] [Trillium].

  1. to verify that quality activities comply with planned arrangements, and
  2. to determine the effectiveness of the quality system.

Senior Management Review
The quality system is reviewed formally at appropriate intervals by senior management to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness [ISO 9001 4.1.3] [ISO 9000-3 4.1.13] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.1.1-2 & 4.4.3-1] [Trillium].

Adequate resources and funding are provided for defect prevention activities at the project and organization levels [SEI DP Ability 3] [ISO 9001 & 4.14.3].

Corrective Action
There are documented and maintained procedures for: [ISO 9001 4.10.5, 4.13.1, 4.14.1, 4.14.2, 4.14.3] [ISO 9000-3 4.4] [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 2.4-1,2,3,4 & 3.4.5-1,2 & 3.10.2-4 & 4.1.3-6]

  1. investigating the cause of nonconforming intermediate products and the corrective action(s) needed to prevent recurrence,
  2. analyzing all processes, work operations, concessions, quality records, service reports and customer complaints to detect and eliminate potential causes of non-conforming products,
  3. initiating preventive actions to deal with problems to a level corresponding to the risks encountered,
  4. applying controls to ensure that corrective actions are taken and that they are effective,
  5. implementing and recording changes in procedures resulting from corrective action.

Product Quality
The quality of the project's products is measured, analyzed and compared to the products quantitative quality goals on an event-driven basis [SEI SQM Activity 4].
Practices are in place to assure the quality needs of the organization, customers and users (e.g., QFD, customer surveys, focus groups) are traceable to the product requirements and quality goals [SEI SQM Activity 1] [ISO 9000-3 5.6.1] [Trillium].
The project's quantitative quality goals for the intermediate products are defined, monitored, and revised throughout the software life cycle [SEI SQM Activity 3].
Quantitative product quality goals are defined, monitored, and revised throughout the product life-cycle [SEI QPM Activity 3] [ISO 9001 4.9].

Level 4

Quality Goals
Quantitative process quality goals are defined, monitored, and revised throughout the product life-cycle [MB 2.1] [Trillium].

The organization constantly measures and compares itself with the best in class in the world [MB 2.2].

Level 5

The organization has a program to assure that its process capability and product quality are comparable to those of world leaders [MB 3.2d].

Industry-wide quality leadership is exercised by active involvement of senior executive(s) in industry-wide executive forums to raise quality consciousness among members of the community, and active participation by the organization's managers and technical experts in national and international standards setting forums [MB 1.3].

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