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CHAPTER 28 System Security

28.1 Security Concerns

No system can be made completely secure and usable at the same time. So you have to balance your security concerns against your computational needs.

You may decide that security is not a big concern at your site, but you can't ignore it completely. The information you keep on your system probably has some value to you. At the very least you usually don't want it altered or destroyed. If for no other reason, you need some security just to protect your good name. You wouldn't want some malicious hacker to break into your account and send thousands of hateful messages to every newsgroup in existence. Another reason to secure your system is to prevent it's use as a staging ground for attacking other systems on the network. You could, conceivably, be liable for damages.

Security is a shared responsibility. Every user on the system is capable of compromising security. They need to chose good passwords, change them periodically, and not share them. Teach them to report to you any suspicious activity, e.g. does the lastlogin reported match the last time they logged in? are there any files in their directory that they didn't put there?, etc.

Outside hackers are not your biggest security problem. Your highest risks to your data are from bugs and errors in the OS and from disasters. So you need to make sure that you keep good backups. Can you restore your system completely from backups? If your tapedrive fails, can you read your tapes on another drive?

You should analyze your system so that you know what you're protecting, why you're protecting it, what value it has, who has responsibility for it. Then you can plan your security needs accordingly.

Create a simple, generic policy for your system that your users can readily understand and follow. It should protect the data you're safeguarding, as well as, the privacy of the users. Some things it might include are: who has access to the system, who's allowed to install software on the system, who owns the data, disaster recovery, and appropriate use of the system.

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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