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CHAPTER 24 Useful Utilities

24.8 System usage, uptime, users, who and w

uptime shows you how long the system has been running, the number of users presently logged in, and the average load over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes, e.g.:

% uptime
2:07pm up 12 days, 3:37, 7 users, load average: 0.11, 0.02, 0.00

rup is similar to uptime, but it gives the status of remote machines, e.g.:

% rup

tardis up 12 days, 3:41, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

nyssa up 2 days, 5:27, load average: 0.61, 0.15, 0.05

blueagle up 3:18, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

users/rusers list the users on the local/remote machines of your network.

% users
frank jeffs jeffs rsf steele steele steele

% rusers
blueagle kitw kitw
nyssa frank frank
tardis steele steele steele jeffs frank rsf jeffs

who/w/whodo list who is logged in on the system and the programs they're running, e.g.:

% who
frank ttyp0 May 4 15:40 (nyssa:0.0)
robert ttyp1 Apr 16 14:54 (davros)
michael ttyp3 May 4 07:49 (turlough)

% w
10:49am up 22 days, 2:04, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
frank ttyp0 Mon 3pm 16 3 w
robert ttyp1 16Apr92 16:06 13:04 6 -tcsh
william ttyp2 8:08am 25 1 -tcsh
michael ttyp3 Mon 7am 27:00 8 7 twm -display

% w -d (SunOS 4.1.X only)
10:49am up 22 days, 2:04, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
12989 -csh & 0 1
13881 w -d
frank ttyp0 Mon 3pm 16 3 w -d
5661 -tcsh & 0 1
robert ttyp1 16Apr92 16:06 13:04 6 -tcsh
13534 -tcsh & 0 1
13879 elm & 1 0
michael ttyp3 Mon 7am 27:00 8 7 twm -display

% whodo frank (SunOS 5.X only)

Wed Aug 7 10:34:13 EDT 1996


console frank 13:46

? 17374 0:00 Xsession

? 17455 0:00 xclock

? 17446 3:05 olwm

? 17424 0:06 ttsession

? 17453 0:18 xterm

pts/6 17478 0:07 tcsh

? 17454 1:55 xterm

pts/5 17475 6:53 tcsh

? 17447 0:00 olwmslave

pts/8 frank 13:08

pts/8 3532 0:25 ssh

pts/7 frank 13:47

pts/7 17486 0:03 tcsh

? 17061 0:05 xterm

pts/10 17062 0:03 tcsh

pts/7 3566 9:08 mailtool

? 8426 0:00 xterm

pts/17 8427 0:00 tcsh

pts/9 frank 8:24

pts/9 14501 0:25 ssh

pts/3 frank 9:46

pts/3 29243 0:00 rlogin

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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