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21.3.5 Configuration Table Entries

The /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent utility is used to add table entries. It can use NIS maps, /etc files, NIS+ tables, or command line arguments as it's source. With nisaddent you can dump entries from a table into a file. To enter the /etc/hosts table into the NIS+ database you could do the following.

# cat /etc/hosts | /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent -av hosts
adding stdin to table hosts.org_dir.your.domain.
adding/updating localhost
adding/updating nyssa

You can administer NIS+ tables with /usr/bin/nistbladm. This command will allow you to create and delete tables, add entries to and modify entries within tables, and remove entries from tables.

You can display NIS+ tables and objects with the /usr/bin/niscat command, e.g.:

# niscat -h netmasks.org_dir
# number mask comment

The commands nismatch and nisgrep in /usr/bin can be used to match keywords and grep for regular expressions, respectively, in NIS+ tables.

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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