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20.3.2 RFS Advertising and Monitoring the Resources

The server now needs to advertise resources it wishes to export with the adv command.

An example whereby you want to allow the tape devices of the server to be available to the clients, you could create the directory /dev/rdev on the server. The files in /dev/rdev would be links to the tape devices, e.g.:

# ln /dev/rst8 /dev/rdev/rst8

# ln /dev/rmt8 /dev/rdev/rmt8

Then you advertise the resources in /dev/rdev to the client:

# adv -r -d "tardis devices" tardisdevs /dev/rdev nyssa

Here I have advertised the tardis devices directory, /dev/rdev, read-only, which will be known only to the client nyssa, with the name tardisdevs. If you want to advertise resources automatically create a file /etc/rstab on the RFS server. It should be a shell script of adv commands and should be executable by all, mode 755.

To display the advertised properties on the server use the adv command without options, e.g.:

# adv
tardisdevs /dev/rdev "tardis devices" read-only nyssa

To unadvertise a resource on the server use the unadv command, e.g.:

# unadv resource

To find out what resources are available on the client use the nsquery command, e.g.:

# nsquery
tardisdevs read-only rfs_acs.tardis tardis devices

Mount the resource on the client with the mount command, specifying the RFS device, e.g.:

# mount -r -d tardisdev /mnt

where "-r" specifies read-only, and "-d" is followed by the name of the RFS resource.

To unmount the directory use the umount command, e.g.:

# umount -d tardisdev

To mount an RFS resource automatically at boot time add an entry to /etc/fstab similar to:

tardisdev /mnt rfs ro 0 0

To unadvertise and forcibly unmount a resource from all clients type at the server use fumount, e.g.:

# fumount [-w seconds] resource

The superuser can monitor client use of server resources with the rmntstat command:

# rmntstat
tardisdevs /dev/rdev rfs_acs.nyssa

The fuser command can be used on the client to see who is using the resource, e.g.:

# fuser tardisdevs

Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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