
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DVXML_DOC_H
00002 #define DVXML_DOC_H
00003 // $Id: doc.h,v 1.16 2008/01/07 14:45:20 dvermeir Exp $
00004 #include <stdexcept>
00005 #include <iterator>
00006 #include <iostream>
00007 #include <dvutil/tostring.h>
00008 #include <dvutil/file.h>
00009 #include <xmlwrapp/xmlwrapp.h>
00011 #include <dvxml/exception.h>
00012 #include <dvxml/noconst.h>
00013 #include <dvxml/node.h>
00015 namespace Dv { 
00016   namespace Xml { 
00017     /** Convenience interface to xml::document. */
00018     class Document: public xml::document { 
00019       public: 
00020         /** Default ctor. */ 
00021         explicit Document(); 
00022         /** Construct a Dv::Xml::Document out of a (copy of a) Dv::Xml::Node object. 
00023          * @param ref Dv::Xml::Node::Ref, a copy of which will be used as the root
00024          *   of the new Dv::Xml::Document object.
00025          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception if node is not valid.
00026          */
00027         explicit Document(const Node::Ref& ref) throw (Exception);
00029         /** Parse a Dv::Xml::Document from a file
00030          * @param file containing document
00031          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00032          */
00033         explicit Document(const Dv::Util::File& file) throw (Exception);
00035         /** Create a Dv::Xml::Document with a root labeled with given name and content. 
00036          * @param name to be used as the label of the root of the document
00037          * @param content to be used as the content of the root of the document
00038          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00039          */
00040         explicit Document(const std::string& name, const std::string& content)
00041           throw (Exception);
00043         /** Create a Dv::Xml::Document with a root labeled with given name.
00044          * @param name to be used as the label of the root of the document
00045          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00046          */
00047         explicit Document(const std::string& name) throw (Exception);
00049         /** Parse a Dv::Xml::Document from an array of characters .
00050          * @param pc pointer to the start of the data
00051          * @param size of the data array
00052          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00053          */
00054         explicit Document(const char* pc, size_t size) throw (Exception);
00056         /** Create a Dv::Xml::Document by applying an XSLT stylesheet to
00057          * another Document.
00058          * @param stylesheet filename of xslt file
00059          * @param doc input document
00060          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00061          * @warning Do not use this if the document is not xml output, as
00062          * e.g. specified by an xsl directive such as
00063          * @code
00064          * <xsl:output method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
00065          * @endcode
00066          * For html output, use Dv::Xml::Document::apply instead.
00067          */
00068         explicit Document(const std::string& stylesheet, Document& doc) throw (Exception);
00070         /** Destructor. */
00071         virtual ~Document();
00073         /** Parse a Dv::Xml::Document from an array of characters . The
00074          * result replaces the current contents of this document.
00075          * @param data pointer to the start of the data
00076          * @param size of the data array
00077          * @return reference to this document
00078          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00079          */
00080         Document& parse(const char* data, size_t size) throw (Exception);
00082         /** Parse a Dv::Xml::Document from a filenm. The
00083          * result replaces the current contents of this document.
00084          * @param filenm name of file where document can be found.
00085          * @return reference to this document
00086          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00087          */
00088         Document& parse(const std::string& filenm) throw (Exception);
00090         /** Set root.
00091          * @param ref reference to node to copy to root of this document.
00092          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception if ref does not refer to a valid xml::node.
00093          * @sa Dv::Xml::Document::root(const Dv::Xml::Node& node)
00094          */
00095         Document& operator=(const Node::Ref& ref) throw (Exception);
00097         /** Set root.
00098          * @param ref reference to node that will be copied to the root of this document.
00099          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception if node is not valid.
00100          * @sa Dv::Xml::Node
00101          */
00102         void root(const Node::Ref& ref) throw (Exception);
00104         /** Get root Dv::Xml::Node of Document.
00105          * @return root Dv::Xml::Node of Document.
00106          * @warning Assigning the result does \b not change the root.
00107          * Updating is possible, as in the example below.
00108          * @code
00109          * Dv::Xml::Document doc;
00110          * ..
00111          * (doc.root() >> "child" >> "grandchild")["name"] = "Pete";
00112          * @endcode
00113          */
00114         Node::Ref root() const;
00116         /** Convert to reference to root of document.
00117          * @sa Dv::Xml::Document::root
00118          */
00119         operator Node::Ref() const { return root(); }
00121         /** Get encoding of Document. Default is "ISO-8859-1". 
00122          * @return encoding of Document.
00123          */
00124         const std::string& encoding() const { return get_encoding(); }
00126         /** Set encoding of Document. 
00127          * @param enc encoding of Document
00128          * @return *this
00129          */
00130         Document& encoding(const std::string& enc) { 
00131           set_encoding(enc.c_str()); return *this; }
00133         /** Validate document w.r.t. DTD.
00134          * @param dtd url or filename of DTD, if empty, the dtd is
00135          *   assumed to have been included in the document.
00136          * @return true iff the document is valid w.r.t the DTD.
00137          */
00138         bool valid(const std::string& dtd = "");
00140         /** Select node after path from document.
00141          * @param path of the form "a/b/c"
00142          * @return node at the end of the path
00143          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception if node is not valid.
00144          */
00145         Node::Ref select(const std::string& path) const throw (Exception);
00147         /** Apply an XSLT stylesheet to this Document. The result
00148          * is immediately serialised in a string (useful e.g. when
00149          * the "omit-xml-declaration" option is used.
00150          * @param stylesheet filename of xslt file
00151          * @param s string that will contain the result of the XSL transform.
00152          * @return s
00153          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00154          * @warning This is function properly takes into
00155          * account directives such as
00156          * @code
00157          * <xsl:output method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
00158          * @endcode
00159          * Do not look for a simple way to send output of an xslt transformation to a stream.
00160          * There is none (en neither is there in xmlwrapp, xml++, .. ). The
00161          * reason is probably that libxslt only provides output to FILE*
00162          * using xsltSaveResultTo.. functions. And I don't know of an easy
00163          * way to link std::ostream objects to FILE*'s.
00164          */
00165         std::string& apply(const std::string& stylesheet, std::string& s) throw (Exception);
00166         /** Apply an XSLT stylesheet to this Document. The result
00167          * is immediately serialised in a string (useful e.g. when
00168          * the "omit-xml-declaration" option is used.
00169          * @param stylesheet filename of xslt file
00170          * @return string that containing the result of the XSL transform.
00171          * @exception Dv::Xml::Exception upon any error
00172          * @warning This is function properly takes into
00173          * account directives such as
00174          * @code
00175          * <xsl:output method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
00176          * @endcode
00177          */
00178         std::string apply(const std::string& stylesheet) throw (Exception) {
00179           std::string s;
00180           apply(stylesheet, s);
00181           return s; 
00182         } 
00183     };
00184   }
00185 }
00189 #endif

dvxml-0.1.7 [ 7 January, 2008]