
For a user to use a thread pool, she probably needs to derive a Thread class from Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread and a Factory class from Dv::Thread::Factory, implementing Dv::Thread::Factory::create

The constructor of the Dv::Thread::Factory-derived class should call the Dv::Thread::Factory::init() function and its desctructor should call Dv::Thread::Factory::finit(). See Dv::Thread::Pool::initialize and Dv::Thread::Pool::finalize for the motivation.
// $Id: test-pool.C,v 1.13 2008/11/18 13:30:42 dvermeir Exp $

#include <dvutil/debug.h>
#include <dvthread/pool.h>
#include <dvthread/logstream.h>

class Worker; // Forward declaration.

// The interface for submitting 'jobs' to the pool is through
// Factory::delegate.
class Factory: public Dv::Thread::Factory {
    Factory(size_t n, const std::string& name, Dv::Debug& dbg): 
        Dv::Thread::Factory(n, name, 0, &dbg), count_(0), data_(0),
        count_monitor_("count-monitor") {
      // Fully initialize the Dv::Thread::Pool object.
          log() << FUNCTION_S << std::endl;
      if (! initialize(5000) ) 
        throw std::runtime_error(FUNCTION_S + ": exception : cannot initialize pool");

    ~Factory() {
      // The follwing call is not strictly necessary.
      finalize(); // Kill all threads which will call Factory::finalize

    // Submit a job to the 'pool': store input data 'i' ( it will later
    // be retrieved by the worker using Worker::setup_for_work) and
    // ask Dv::Thread::Pool to delegate to a worker.
    void delegate(int i) {
      data_ = i;
      pool().delegate(-1); // -1: wait indefinitely for a free worker

    // Used by a Worker::setup_for_work
    int data() const {

      return data_;

    size_t count() {
      Dv::Thread::Lock lock(count_monitor_);
      return count_;

    size_t inc_count() {
      Dv::Thread::Lock lock(count_monitor_);
      return ++count_;

    Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread* create();

    size_t count_;
    int data_;
    Dv::Thread::Monitor count_monitor_;

class Worker: public Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread {

    struct Init: public Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread::Init {
      Init(const Worker* w): w_(w) {
        w->log(1) << FUNCTION_S << std::endl;
      ~Init() {
        w_->log(1) << FUNCTION_S << std::endl;
      const Worker* w_;

    init() const {
      log() << FUNCTION_S << std::endl;
      return Dv::shared_ptr<Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread::Init>(new Init(this));

    Worker(Factory& factory): Dv::Thread::Pool::Thread(factory.pool()), factory_(factory), data_(0) { 

    ~Worker() {
      log(1) << "WORKER " << sid() << " DESTROYED" << std::endl;

    void setup_for_work() { 
      data_ = factory_.data();

    void work() { 
      log() << factory_.inc_count() << ", data = " << data_ << std::endl; 
    Factory& factory_;
    int data_;

Factory::create() { 
  return new Worker(*this); 

main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  try {
    static const size_t NT = 10;
    static const size_t NR = 10 * NT;
    // static const size_t NT = 2;
    // static const size_t NR = 2 * NT;
    Dv::Thread::logstream log(std::cerr, "test-stream");
    Dv::Debug debug(&log, 0);

    Factory factory(NT, "Test", debug);
    for (size_t i = 0; (i<NR); ++i) {
    do {
      log << "factory.count() = " << factory.count() << std::endl;
    while (factory.count() != NR);
    // log << "bye" << std::endl;
    return 0;
  catch (std::exception& e) { 
    std::cerr << "fatal: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;

dvthread-0.13.4 [11 December, 2009]