Appendix 1: List of Abbreviations

4GL        Fourth Generation Language
ASQC       American Society for Quality Control
CASE       Computer Aided Software/System Engineering
CI         Continuous Improvement
CM         Configuration Management
CMM        Capability Maturity Model
COCOMO     Constructive Cost Model
DP         Defect Prevention
ERD        Entity Relationship Diagram
FMECA      Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis
FSM        Finite State Machine
GPC        General Purpose Computer
HLL        High Level Language
HMI        Human Machine Interface
H/W        Hardware
IC         Intergroup Coordination
ISM        Integrated Software Management
KLOC       Thousands of lines of source code
LCC        Life-Cycle Cost
MIS        Management Information System
MLOC       Millions of lines of source code
NE         Network Element
OO         Object Oriented
OOA        Object Oriented Analysis
OOD        Object Oriented Design
OPD        Organization Process Definition
OPF        Organization Process Focus
OS         Operating System
OSS        Operations Support System
PCM        Process Change Management
PCTE       Portable Common Tool Environment
PM&A   Process Measurement & Analysis
PR         Peer Review
PROM       Programmable Read-Only Memory
QAI        Quality Assurance Institute
QC         Quality Control
QE         Quality Engineering
QPM        Quantitative Process Management
RM         Requirements Management
SA/SD      Structured Analysis / Structured Design
SCM        Software Configuration Management
SDL        Specification Design Language
SEI        Software Engineering Institute
SPE        Software Product Engineering
SPP        Software Project Planning
SPT&O      Software Project Tracking & Oversight
SQA        Software Quality Assurance
SQM        Software Quality Management
SSM        Software Subcontract Management
S/W        Software
TCM        Technology Change Management
TI         Technology Information
V&V        Verification & Validation

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