Trillium Capability Areas, Roadmaps and Practices
Capability Area 7: Development Environment

This Capability Area is a single Roadmap. It deals with the working environment and tools provided for software development staff.

Roadmap 7.1: Development Environment

Level 2

Work Environment
Software developers are provided with an ergonomically designed, acceptably noise-free work environment [Trillium].
Adequate meeting rooms are provided for meetings associated with development activities [Trillium].

Computing Resources
Every software developer has a computer terminal or personal workstation with adequate performance and resources to perform their job functions [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-4] [Trillium].
Coding, design testing and debugging is supported by an integrated, rapid turn around edit-compile-debug environment [Trillium].

Level 3

Computing Resources
Every software developer has a graphical workstation [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-4] [Trillium].

Cooperative Development Support
All developer's workstations are networked, and software supporting cooperative development is provided [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-4,5] [Trillium].

Repository Access
All configuration items stored in the repository can be accessed from a developer's workstation with appropriate security clearance [Bellcore TR-NWT-000179 4.6-5] [Trillium].

Test Bed Access
Most software testing can be performed at the developer's workstation, through emulation or through network connection to the target system [Trillium].

CASE Environment
State-of-the-practice software development tools (e.g., CASE tools) and methods are provided to support all development phases [SEI SPE Activity 1].
The support tools used by the different engineering and support groups are compatible to enable effective communication and coordination [SEI IC Ability 2].

Level 4

CASE Environment
A tool framework (e.g., PCTE) is used to integrate all development tools and ensure the usage of the proper tool at the proper step in the product development process [Trillium].

Level 5

CASE Tools
Knowledge-based tools are used in the product development process [Trillium].

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