

int XEventsQueued(display, mode)
     Display *display;
     int mode;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
mode Specifies the mode. You can pass QueuedAlready, QueuedAfterFlush, or QueuedAfterReading.


If mode is QueuedAlready, XEventsQueued() returns the number of events already in the event queue (and never performs a system call). If mode is QueuedAfterFlush, XEventsQueued() returns the number of events already in the queue if the number is nonzero. If there are no events in the queue, XEventsQueued() flushes the output buffer, attempts to read more events out of the application's connection, and returns the number read. If mode is QueuedAfterReading, XEventsQueued() returns the number of events already in the queue if the number is nonzero. If there are no events in the queue, XEventsQueued() attempts to read more events out of the application's connection without flushing the output buffer and returns the number read.

XEventsQueued() always returns immediately without I/O if there are events already in the queue. XEventsQueued() with mode QueuedAfterFlush is identical in behavior to XPending(). XEventsQueued() with mode QueuedAlready is identical to the XQLength() function.

See also

XFlush(), XIfEvent(), XNextEvent(), XPending(), XPutBackEvent(), XSync(), "Event Queue Management"
Christophe Tronche, ch.tronche@computer.org