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00001 #ifndef DV_HTTPHEAD_H
00002 #define DV_HTTPHEAD_H
00003 // $Id: httphead.h,v 1.10 2003/08/16 08:30:34 dvermeir Exp $
00005 #include <sys/types.h>
00006 #include <iostream>
00007 #include <string>
00008 #include <list>
00009 #include <map>
00011 namespace Dv { namespace Cgi {
00012 /** A class representing the header part of a HTTP response.
00013  *
00014  * The class makes it convenient to set up standard headers and
00015  * cookies for the response:
00016  * <ul>
00017  * <li> Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::nocache() generates header lines assuring
00018  *   that a browser will not keep the response pagein its cache.
00019  * <li> Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::cookie() sets the a cookie 
00020  * <li> Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::content_type() sets the content-type
00021  *   of the page.
00022  * <li> Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::location() redirects the browser to a url
00023  * <li> Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::refresh() redirects the browser after a
00024  *   certain period
00025  * </ul>
00026  */
00027 class HttpHeader {
00028 public:
00029   /** Constructor
00030    * @param content type, default is "text/plain"
00031    * @param debug debug flag
00032    */
00033   HttpHeader(const std::string& content="text/plain", bool debug=false);
00034   /** Type of data member that contains headers (except cookies) */
00035   typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> header_map;
00036   /** Iterator type that allows access to header strings (except
00037    * cookies). */
00038   typedef header_map::iterator  iterator;
00039   /** Const Iterator type that allows access to header strings (except
00040    * cookies). */
00041   typedef header_map::const_iterator  const_iterator;
00043   /** @return current debug status */
00044   bool  debug() const { return debug_; }
00045   /** @return const_iterator pointing to first header string */
00046   const_iterator begin() const { return headers_.begin(); }
00047   /** @return const_iterator pointing past last header string */
00048   const_iterator end() const { return headers_.end(); }
00049   /** @return iterator pointing to first header string */
00050   iterator begin() { return headers_.begin(); }
00051   /** @return iterator pointing past last header string */
00052   iterator end() { return headers_.end(); }
00053   /** @return number of header strings, excluding cookies. */
00054   size_t size() const { return headers_.size(); }
00056   /** Add header strings that prevent browser from caching the page. */
00057   HttpHeader& nocache();
00058   /** Set cookie name = value for path.
00059    * Providing an empty value will remove the cookie. 
00060    * @param name of cookie
00061    * @param value of cookie (default is "", i.e. delete)
00062    * @param path of cookie (default is "/")
00063    * @return reference to *this.
00064    */
00065   HttpHeader& cookie(const std::string& name, const std::string& value="", 
00066     const std::string& path="/");
00067   /** Add header strings to set content type.
00068    * @param value content type, e.g. "text/html"
00069    * @return reference to *this.
00070    */
00071   HttpHeader& content_type(const std::string& value);
00072   /** Add header string to redirect browser to a given url.
00073    * @param value url to redirect to
00074    * @return reference to *this.
00075    */
00076   HttpHeader& location(const std::string& value);
00077   /** Add header string to refresh browser
00078    * @param duration in seconds that browser will wait before refresh,
00079    *   default is 0
00080    * @param url which will be accessed upon refresh,
00081    *   default is same url
00082    * @return reference to *this.
00083    */
00084   HttpHeader& refresh(size_t duration=0, const std::string& url="");
00086   /** General header add function.
00087    * @param name first part of header line, e.g. "Content-type: ".
00088    * @param value rest of header line, e.g."text/html".
00089    * @return reference to *this.
00090    * Example
00091    * @code
00092    * httpheader.add("Content-type: ","text/html");
00093    * @endcode
00094    * @warning
00095    * Any previous value of "name" is replaced by the new value.
00096    */
00097   HttpHeader& add(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
00098   /** Remove any header with a given name.
00099    * @param name first part of header to remove
00100    * @return reference to *this.
00101    * @sa Dv::Cgi::HttpHeader::add
00102    */
00103   HttpHeader& erase(const std::string& name);
00104   /** Remove all header strings.
00105    * @return reference to *this.
00106    */
00107   HttpHeader& clear() { headers_.clear(); return *this; }
00109   /** Output header strings and cookie definitions.
00110    * @param os to write headers to
00111    * @param header to write
00112    * @return reference to os
00113    */
00114   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const HttpHeader& header);
00115 private:
00116   bool debug_;
00117   header_map headers_;  
00118   typedef std::map<std::string,std::pair<std::string,std::string> > cookie_map;
00119   cookie_map cookies_;
00120 };
00121 } }
00122 #endif

dvcgi-0.5.14 [22 January, 2006]