(DBWORLD) CFP: HTF5 Deadline Approaching...

Hadar Ziv (zivh@quests.com)
Sun, 18 Jan 98 17:04:25 -0800

Reminder: Final submission deadline to HTF5, the 5th int'l workshop on
engineering HyperText Functionality into future information systems to
be held on April 20, 1998, in Kyoto, Japan, adjacent to ICSE98, is set
to Friday, January 23, 1998

Submissions should to be sent electronically to the program co-chairs,
Gustavo Rossi and Hadar Ziv. Submission information is available at:

Main URL: http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/kanderso/htf5/cfp.html

Mirror sites:
Brazil: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~schwabe/htf5/cfp.html
UK: http://www.ep.cs.nott.ac.uk/HTF

Thank you,

Hadar Ziv, Ph.D.
Quest Software, Inc.
610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(V) +1.714.718.2581
(F) +1.714.720.0426
(E) zivh@quests.com

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