16.1.1 KeySym Classification Macros

You may want to test if a KeySym is, for example, on the keypad or on one of the function keys. You can use KeySym macros to perform the following tests.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a cursor key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a function key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a standard keypad key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a vendor-private keypad key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a miscellaneous function key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a modifier key.

keysym Specifies the KeySym that is to be tested.
Returns True if the specified KeySym is a PF key.
Next: Latin-1 Keyboard Event Functions

Christophe Tronche, ch.tronche@computer.org