

Status XGetCommand(display, w, argv_return, argc_return)
      Display *display;
      Window w;
      char ***argv_return;
      int *argc_return;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
w Specifies the window.
argv_return Returns the application's argument list.
argc_return Returns the number of arguments returned.


The XGetCommand() function reads the WM_COMMAND property from the specified window and returns a string list. If the WM_COMMAND property exists, it is of type STRING and format 8. If sufficient memory can be allocated to contain the string list, XGetCommand() fills in the argv_return and argc_return arguments and returns a nonzero status. Otherwise, it returns a zero status. If the data returned by the server is in the Latin Portable Character Encoding, then the returned strings are in the Host Portable Character Encoding. Otherwise, the result is implementation dependent. To free the memory allocated to the string list, use XFreeStringList().

See also

XAllocClassHint(), XAllocIconSize(), XAllocSizeHints(), XAllocWMHints(), XSetCommand(), XSetTextProperty(), XSetTransientForHint(), XSetWMClientMachine(), XSetWMColormapWindows(), XSetWMIconName(), XSetWMName(), XSetWMProperties(), XSetWMProtocols(), XStringListToTextProperty(), "Setting and Reading the WM_COMMAND Property".
Christophe Tronche, ch.tronche@computer.org