(DBWORLD) Special Issue of JLP

Antonis Kakas (antonis@turing.cs.ucy.ac.cy)
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:31:40 +0200 (WET)

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Editor-in-Chief: M. Bruynooghe
Founding Editor: J.A. Robinson

Guest Editors: Marc Denecker and Antonios Kakas

Abduction in Logic Programming and more generally in Artificial
Intelligence manifests itself as an important form of inference for
addressing a variety of problems. These problems include
amongst others reasoning with incomplete information, updating a
database or belief revision and formalizing and addressing
application problems like that of planning, diagnosis, natural
language understanding and user modeling. Several applications of
Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) exist and we are now seeing
the emergence of the first "engineering principles" for the
development of abductive applications. Also recently in order to
facilitate further the application of abduction, the framework of
ALP has been integrated with or into several other frameworks
such as Constraint Logic Programming, Inductive Logic
Programming, Deductive Databases and Multi-agent systems.

For this special issue we are seeking papers on all aspects of the
theory and practice of abduction and ALP including its links to other
Logic Programming extensions. Topics include, but are not limited to:

o theory of abductive logic programming,

o role of abduction in Artificial Intelligence,

o proof procedures and systems for abductive logic programming,

o methodologies for applications of abduction,

o applications of abductive logic programming,

o relationships and integrations of abductive logic programming
with other extensions of Logic Programming.

Submission deadline: 30 April, 1998

Revised and enhanced versions of papers published in conferences
that have not appeared in archival journals are eligible for
submission. In particular, papers describing important past
research in this area which have not been published in archival
journal papers are also solicited. All sub-missions will be subject
to the standard review procedure.

Please send six (6) copies of your paper, by the above date, to:

Antonios Kakas,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Cyprus,
75 Kallipoleos St.,
P.O.Box 537,
CY-1678 Nicosia,

Email: antonis@turing.cs.ucy.ac.cy
Fax: +357-2-339062

JLP Latex style files (jlp.sty) and the guide (jlpguide.latex) are
available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.kuleuven.ac.be, in the
directory pub/tex/latex/jlp. Authors are encouraged to use them
to speed up the production process. Postscript files over email will
also be accepted.

Authors are requested to email a title and a short abstract as early
as possible to antonis@turing.cs.ucy.ac.cy to facilitate organization.


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