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00001 // $Id: ffiles.C,v 2002/03/24 12:37:00 dvermeir Exp $
00002 #include <stdexcept>
00003 #include <dvutil/file.h>
00004 #include <dvutil/tostring.h>
00005 #include <dvnet/socket.h>
00007 using namespace Dv;
00009 int
00010 add(Net::Socket& server, const string& path) {
00011 // Recursively add a path to the index: if path is not
00012 // a directory, we just send a single add command to the server,
00013 // otherwise we recursively send such a command for each file in the
00014 // directory.
00015 int n(0);
00016 Util::File f(path);
00017 f.expand(); // make sure it is not a symbolic link
00018 if (f.type() == Util::File::DIRECTORY) {
00019   try {
00020     Util::Directory d(f);
00021     const vector<string>& files(d.files());
00022     for (unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
00023       n += add(server, d.file(files[i]));
00024     return n;
00025     }
00026   catch (...) {
00027     return n;
00028     }
00029   }
00030 server << "add " << path << endl;
00031 string reply;
00032 getline(server, reply);
00033 return n + (reply == "OK" ? 1 : 0 );
00034 }
00037 int
00038 main( int argc , char* argv[] ) {
00039 static const string usage("usage: ffiles host port command");
00040 static const string error("ERROR ");
00041 try {
00042   // Get common parameters.
00043   if (argc<4)
00044     throw runtime_error(usage);
00046   const string host(argv[1]);
00047   const int port(atoi(argv[2]));
00048   const string cmd(argv[3]);
00050   // Connect to server.
00051   // Net::Socket server(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]),1024,5000);
00052   Net::Socket server(host, port);
00053   if (!server)
00054     throw runtime_error(Util::tostring(port) + "@" + host + ": " +
00055                 server.strerror());
00057   // Process command.
00059   if ( cmd=="stop" || cmd == "save" ) {
00060     string reply;
00061     server << cmd << endl;
00062     getline(server, reply);
00063     cout << reply << endl;
00064     }
00065   else if (cmd == "add") {
00066     if (argc<5)
00067       throw runtime_error(usage);
00068     const string path(argv[4]);
00069     cout << add(server, path) << " files added" << endl;
00070     }
00071   else if (cmd == "query") {
00072     if (argc<5)
00073       throw runtime_error(usage);
00074     const string query(argv[4]);
00075     server << cmd << ' ' << query << endl;
00076     string reply;
00077     while (server) {
00078       getline(server,reply);
00079       if (reply.size()==0)
00080         break;
00081       cout << reply << endl;
00082       }
00083     }
00084   else 
00085     throw runtime_error(cmd + ": bad command");
00086   }
00087 catch (exception& e) {
00088   cerr << error <<  e.what() << endl;
00089   return 1;
00090   }
00091 return 0;
00092 }

textindexer-0.2 [27 March, 2002]